Frequently asked questions

1Are there any additional charges?
No! Our prices are final. The price you have been quoted is the price you will pay.
2What will happen if my flight is delayed?
We check your flight status online and get information about your landing time, so even if your flight is delayed, there will be somebody waiting for you upon your arrival.
3How do I pay for my booking transfer?
At the time your booking will be charged the full amount. This amount is fully refundable in case of cancellation up to 48 hours before the transfer date.
4How do we meet at the Aiport / Port?
One of our drivers will meet you outside the arrivals hall in Heraklion Airport. At the port of Heraklion, our driver will be waiting for you just outside the boat exit. Our driver we be holding a sign with your name written on it they will also help you with your luggage and walk with you to the vehicle.
5Can I book a return transfer?
You can book a return transfer online. If you have booked just a one way transfer and you need to book the return transfer as well, please call our office (+30 698 200 2631) or use the contact form to process your request.
6When is my booking confirmed?
Your booking is final and confirmed when you receive your booking confirmation. This will be an email with your booking details and all the necessary information you may need before the transfer.
7What if I arrive before the driver or I can't find him?
You should stay outside of the arrival hall / boat exit / hotel lobby. Then call our office (+30 698 200 2631) in order to help you find our driver.
8What times are you open? Can I book a transfer during the night?
Yes, of course. We operate 24 / 7, all year around.
9How do I book baby seats? What is the cost?
Visit our booking form and tick the given box about adding extra equipment. The baby seats are free of charge. Just be sure to provide the right age for the kids.
10Do I have to tip the driver?
Tips are at your discretion. It's entirely up to you.
11How do I cancel or change my booking?
Email us at or use the contact form to cancel or change your booking. We offer free cancellation up to 48 hours of the first leg of every transfer.

Save 8% when you book
a Return transfer!

Save 8% when you book
a Return transfer!